Hacking Facebook by Phishing method........................
Friends today i will show you how to hack Facebook by
Phishing Method..............
Friends it is the most easy method to hack facebook,but there are several methods to hack facebook account:-
Like - Phishing,Defacing Website,Hacking Facebook Server,Facebook tab nabbing and using Key loggers etc's............................................................................................................................................................
- Now what you have to do is Download this:Facebook Phishing.It will be in .rar extension extract the files there you will see two files 1.Index. html and 2.Write.php.
- Now register your account here:Web hosting Site.
- Upload these files in your web hosting account.
- Its done,Now send the URL
of the website you have created.
- Now whenever a user logs into his account through your website the username and the password of the user will be saved in your website.
- And now you can hack his/her account.................................................................................................
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